(async () => { // Use window.location.origin or fallback to "https://website.tld" const website = window.location.origin || "https://website.tld"; try { // Find the first tag with an href ending in ".css" const linkElement = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('link')) .find(link => link.href.endsWith('.css')); // Adjust condition if needed if (!linkElement) { console.log("No CSS file found on the page."); return; } const cssUrl = linkElement.href; // Get the full URL of the CSS file console.log(`Fetching CSS from: ${cssUrl}`); // Fetch the CSS file const response = await fetch(cssUrl); const cssText = await response.text(); // Use a regular expression to extract the font file path const fontMatch = cssText.match(/url\(['"]?(.*?\.(otf|ttf|woff|woff2|eot))['"]?\)/); if (fontMatch && fontMatch[1]) { const resolvedFontPath = new URL(fontMatch[1], cssUrl).href; // Resolve relative path console.log(`Found font URL: ${resolvedFontPath}`); } else { console.log('Font not found in the CSS file.'); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching or parsing the CSS file:', error); } })();